A review by wingedcreature
Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson


I totally LOVED Tiger Lily! Like a couple of other books I've read recently, I can't believe I've put it off for so long!

It's an interesting take on Peter Pan, and...I hate to say this...but...I had no clue who Tiger Lily even was before reading this book. And even if I did, she clearly made no impression on me whatsoever. But I sort of think it's a good thing, because I didn't go in with thoughts on what a good re-telling would be.

Moving On: I'm not sure how I feel about Tiger Lily as a character. I liked her, but...there's something unlikable about her too. As weird as this might sound, I liked her and didn't like her at the same time. But she and Peter really are good together. even though things didn't go the way I expected.

I do have such a soft spot for Tinker Bell, who is such a great narrator. We see everything through her eyes, and we see how Tiger Lily changes through Tinker Bells eyes. Perhaps this is why I didn't completely warm up to Tiger Lily, but I can't imagine the book being told by anyone else.

And Peter! We don't see a lot of him, but we definitely see how much of an effect he has on Tiger Lily's life. Tiger Lily doesn't have a happily ever after, but things do end in the best way possible for Tiger Lily and Peter. It was a bit darker than I expected, but Jodi Lynn Anderson did such a good job creating this world and told such an imaginative story that I totally want to watch Peter Pan right now. I could imagine everything so clearly, and I just love the whole feel of the book.

Final Thoughts: All of the love surrounding Tiger Lily is so totally deserved, and Tiger Lily is such a beautiful book. I can't recommend Tiger Lily enough! Tiger Lily gets 5 stars.