A review by mnboyer
Mine for Tonight by J.S. Scott


I have to wonder... how is this "book" getting such good reviews?

Let me start by explaining why I am putting "book" in quotes. Amazon claims that this "book" is 93 pages -- but let me assure you, after removing the filler at the back (advertisements, etc.) and the filler at the beginning (content pages, etc.) you really only get about 60 pages. Since when is a book 60 pages?! And to be a book there should be a beginning, middle, and an end. This "book" just begins and then suddenly, abruptly ends (not even a cliffhanger--more of just stopping for the hell of it!) and then the author wants you to pay for her trilogy of "books" to find out what happens next. Sorry, but I have problems with this bait-and-switch type writing that I keep seeing from authors. If this is meant to be a "teaser" then call it that--a few teaser chapters. But don't tell me that this is a "Book" by any means, because it is not. And now, I don't trust you enough as an author to pay you to find out what happens next. Nor do I feel like I will ever buy something from this author again now.

But what about the story? Okay, let me start by saying I enjoy a good BDSM romance novel. But this is just gratuitous sex. There is no character development that would lead up to a sexual encounter, it just gets forced in there because we all know what we're here for. But, I do need a story that makes sense. This "book" does not have that. Instead, we have a billionaire that STALKS (yes, he literally STALKS the female lead) a woman until he is able to convince her (through a series of unbelievable events) to move in with him. What? Move in with him--you just met him? But, Kara decides to move in with Simon because he is hot, rich, and tells her he will pay for her necessities while she is in school and she won't owe him anything at all. No really ladies, he will take care of everything.... well, if you spend one night in his bed.

I'm sorry. But does no one see how this could come off as Kara being a whore? Exchanging sex for a roof over her head? No... no one else sees this problem? So we have a stalker -- that's okay. A woman that is such a spineless sap that she'd go for this arrangement -- that's okay. REALLY? It seems to me like both of these characters need some psychiatric counseling!

I honestly wonder if women reading this actually find Simon, if he were a real man, "worthy" of being the hero. Sure, he's attractive. But he is a stalker. He lacks any motivation as a character. He does the archetypical "quit your job" offer. He grunts a lot in an effort to protect you. But really?! A stalker certainly is not attractive and if this guy ever followed me around, made me the offer he makes Kara, haha... I would be calling the POLICE! I would tell any of my female friends to do the same.

I definitely will NOT be buying any more of Ms. Scott's work. Not only because I don't like her bait and switch tactics. But I REALLY dislike the "romance" that she is trying to paint. BDSM is one thing. But a stalker is another. The proposition he makes is disgusting.

This "book" is garbage!