A review by morgan_blackledge
Clash!: 8 Cultural Conflicts That Make Us Who We Are by Hazel Rose Markus


This book ROCKS!!!!!

I'm 100% blown away. Not only is it a fantastic primer on cultural psychology, but it's also an entertaining and eye opening read

Cultural psychology is the study of how psychological and behavioral tendencies are rooted in and embodied in culture. The main tenet of cultural psychology is that mind and culture are interdependent and mutually reinforcing systems, meaning that people are shaped by their culture and their culture is also shaped by them.

The essential premise of the book is that culture divides between independent and interdependent world views. The authors then lay out 8 cultural axis in which independent and interdependent worlds collide e.g. race: black/white, class: working/middle, gender: male/female, U.S. regional: north/south, religion: Protestant/Catholic, enterprise: for profit/non profit as well as global: east Aisia/Western Europe and global: north/south.

The book goes on to systematically explain how each of the afore mentioned points of conflict can be more effectively engaged to the benefit of all involved.

The central point of the book is that the independent and interdependent world views elicit different "selves"or "I's" that individuals can evoke and cultivate depending on their particular challenges, needs, desires, goals etc. Furthermore, the book asserts that the current demands of multicultural, multi centered society and global economics necessitate that the individual is flexible and skillful in their ability to operate from both independent and interdependent world views.

I know it sounds like a nightmare, but the authors do a remarkable job of presenting their case in very well organized, clear and fun language and examples. They also ground their ideas in very practical advice after each chapter summary.