A review by momwithareadingproblem
Demigods and Monsters by Raye Wagner


I received an eARC of this book from Lady Amber's Book Tours in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

I loved [b:Curse of the Sphinx|25905676|Curse of the Sphinx (Sphinx, #1)|Raye Wagner|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1436848648s/25905676.jpg|25336272], so I had high expectations for its sequel. Demigods and Monsters by Raye Wagner exceeded all of them! Like the first book, this one starts with a prologue from Athan’s perspective. He’s looking for Hope, who ran after overhearing him and his father talking about her. He has no clue where she is but he wants to find her because he loves her despite that she’s a monster. Hope is back with Priska in Seattle. She is determined to break her curse, but in order to do this she has to find help in the most unlikely place, a conservatory for demigods.

Hope is tired of hiding, she’s tired of lying, and she’s tired of her curse. She wants what everyone wants….freedom. Hope wants the freedom to live her life, choose who to love, and just be herself without the fear of death hanging over her shoulder. I liked Hope in the last book, but I loved her in this one. She is determined and nothing, not even her feelings, will stop her.

Athan….oh Athan! So while reading the first book, I thought he was just a little too charming but seemed sincere with Hope. With him MIA through the first half of the book, Hope finds out some disturbing information about him and his methods of bringing in new demigods. She feels used and rightfully so. BUT I do believe he is sincere where she is concerned. He’s promised that he never lied to her and I believe him….that’s my opinion anyways.

In order for Hope to enter a conservatory, she first has to be invited by and “discovered” as a demigod. Enter Xan. Xan is the demigod son of Ares. At first I didn’t know how to take him. He was a complete jerk (and that’s putting it nicely). He says what he thinks without a filter and makes no apologies for it. The good thing about this is you always know where you stand with him. When he finds Hope and brings her to the conservatory, I had a bit of eye rolling. I knew where it was going, the inevitable love triangle. BUT I’ll be the first to admit that it works well. Xan is a hard character to dislike and as things turn sour with Athan, he becomes Hope’s confidant and most importantly her friend. I have to admit I jumped ships! #TeamXan

The plot of this book really focuses on Hope’s curse and how to break it. I just thought there was a lot of world-building in the last one! This installment is packed full of mythology woven into the unique twists that Wagner writes. It’s seamless! The mythology is a big draw to the book for me and I love seeing it in this urban setting. Seriously the demigods have cell phones! Kind of made me snicker.

Overall I loved every word of this book! I was cheering Hope on and was on the edge of my seat afraid something was going to happen while she was surrounded by demigods. And that ending!!!! UGH!!! I cannot wait to see what will happen next. For fans of the series, you will not be disappointed with this book!