A review by klsteel
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater


Review originally over at The Falling Bookshelf

This book was such a treat and I can’t believe it took me so long to pick this up. So far, I’ve been a fan of everything Maggie Stiefvater has written, and this was no exception. I’m not even entirely sure what I expected going into it, but what I got was this great mystery with a big dollop of something fantastical plopped on top.

The characters are all great in their own way. Blue is beautifully written without being too much. She’s quirky but sensible and it was so refreshing to read an odd character without her being turned into your typical manic pixie dream girl. Just a pinch of strange is good enough.

It’s not often that something in the story catches me off-guard. I usually, and unfortunately, always see it coming. (Or my husband does and then RUINS IT. Buuuuut, that’s another issue). This book genuinely surprised me. For obvious reasons I’m not going to divulge what that surprise is, but I highly suggest you read this book to figure it out.

The only reason I have this book at four cats instead of five is the ending. It wasn’t bad, but I did actually go back a few pages because I felt like I missed something. It was all super-climactic and then… it was over. It didn’t necessarily resolve but that somewhat makes sense seeing as there are four books in this series.

(I also can’t wait to see what role Neeve plays later. I know she’s got to have a key role deeper in the story!)

Maggie was super nice to us and didn’t just give us a paranormal romance. I really didn’t get that vibe from this book. I mean, sure there is that whole, “kiss your true love and he’ll die” prophecy poor Blue has hanging over her shoulders, but that’s not entirely the whole tone of the story. It’s her friendship with the boys and how that develops and grows that sets the story going. Each Raven Boy has his own tragedy, his own story, his own quirks, and again this is done without making them super stereotypical. (THANK YOU MAGGIE).

Definitely pick this up. Definitely read this. It’s been a long while since I’ve inhaled a book so quickly and I immediately bought number two for my Kindle after finishing this one.

4 out of 5 cats.