A review by bookswithjax
Mile High by Liz Tomforde


Hmmm okay so I enjoyed this one! I liked the characters and the audio was pretty good.

That said it’s entirely too long. Seriously this did not warrant 600 pages!!

There were some conflict points I felt were important but also at the same time got annoying. I know that makes no sense haha. For example: the FMC is described as being a bigger girl and has insecurities surrounding this. This is an important issue to talk about including all the dynamics surrounding it… but by the end I was so over it! Seriously I’m a fat girl and even I was done with it. I think this stems less from the writing or how it was portrayed and more to do with the fact the book was just too long. At a certain point I just wanted the story to end.

So solid 3.5 stars rounded up because apparently 3 stars is still seen as a negative… seriously can we change that narrative?!