A review by poisonenvy
On the Aesthetic Education of Man by Friedrich Schiller

informative inspiring reflective


I first discovered Shiller in my History of Criticism class. Some letters from On the Aesthetic Education of Man were in the Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Schiller has, so far, been my favourite of the critics we've read in that class, and so I decided to check out the rest of his letters. 

I was less interested in the purely philosophical ideas he put forth; they'll take a little more careful reading to parse than what I'm currently able to dedicate my time to. But there is a lot of stuff in these letters that is incredibly relevant todays world, to a shocking degree. 

It's a little frustrating, to be honest, to know how little we've come in more than two centuries. But I guess there's some comfort too there, to know that we can look back through the ages and see people grappling with the same things we are. 

Write for your age, but don't write if your age.  That seems like good advice no matter what your age is.