A review by lauraborkpower
The Little Friend by Donna Tartt


This is the seven-years-in-the-making follow up to Tartt's The Secret History (excellent book!). This one is lush and gorgeous, the plot is intriguing, and the characters are complex and compelling. However (and a BIG however this is), the story begins with a murder and the murder is unsolved at the end of the book. Now, it's highly possible that I missed something here, but if I didn't, it's an absolute failure of a mystery. If I did miss something, then apparently it's too smart for me. If you're aware of the anticlimactic ending and are okay with not knowing who killed our heroine's little brother, then you'll be able to enjoy it more than I did (I stayed up into the wee hours of the morning because I needed to find out who the killer was, and then nearly threw the book out of the window and woke my mom up to yell at her when the book ended with no closure.). I'll most likely read it again for my own masochistic tendencies.