A review by momwithareadingproblem
A Place Beyond by Laura Howard


WARNING: If you have not read the previous books in this series, there will be unavoidable spoilers in this review...Proceed at your own risk...

A Place Beyond by [a:Laura Howard|6653788|Laura Howard|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1356495647p2/6653788.jpg] is the conclusion to her series the Danaan Trilogy and picks up shortly after the end of book two. Allison is lost, her father is dead, her mother can never be cured, and her grandfather is sick. The only light she has is that she is not in this alone. She has Ethan, who loves her. She supposedly has the Fair Folk, but who of them can she truly trust? Someone let Aoife out...who? And are they really on her side? Can she defeat Aoife and save her family before it is too late?

Strong Heroine

Allison is one of my favorite characters and let me tell you why. She is strong when she doesn't think she is. She's caring when she'd rather not be. She loves with all her being even when she's afraid of getting hurt. Her progression throughout this series has been from an independent young woman who is distrustful of new people to a young woman who realizes it's okay to depend on someone and let others take care of you. It's an important step in her character's life and one that many of us need to learn.

Ethan is incredibly sweet, loving, and not the jock that started out in this series. He cares for Allison and will not leave her. It's this dedication to her despite all the oddness that surrounds her that I love. He tells her he will never leave her and she better not ever leave him. :::swoon:::

The Danaan have gotten more and more mysterious as the series goes on and I'm here to tell you that does not change! Allison is questioning every thing she's been told about them and everything she herself has witnessed. Ultimately she must decide who is trustworthy and make a plan.

Concluding Plots

There's really not much I can say about the plot without revealing major spoilers. So I'm intentionally going to be vague...sorry not sorry ;) The main plot of this story is catching and defeating Aoife. It's been the theme for the series but as this is the last book it is the heart of the story. Aoife is responsible for so much death and destruction that the Danaan have sided with Allison to defeat her once and for all.

However in a really sick twist of fate, Aoife blackmails Allison to spy on the Danaan for her. Not knowing what to do she follows along with Aoife's plan, sick at what she is doing to her friends and feeling a bit distrustful as Aoife's confessions ring true.

The plot has many twists and turns and Allison finds herself in danger more than once. A devastating death (which I found totally unnecessary Mrs. Howard) brings Allison's character to her lowest point and the reader as well ;)

My Conclusion

Overall the series as a whole is great! This final installment does a wonderful job of answering all questions and giving the characters their HEA. However I'll admit to being a tad disappointed. It felt rushed in spots and the story itself could've been drawn out with more detail. But that is my own criticism, not wanting the series to end! If you enjoy urban fantasy, fairy stories, and have enjoyed the series thus far, I highly suggest you finish with this one.