A review by asbookreviewsforfun_ira
291 by Susan May


This is a novella so forgive me if this review seems short or vague. It's to avoid spoilers. Michael Chambers is a rookie cop older than most rookies. He's had multiple jobs over the years which displeases and worries his parents. Nothing has seemed to stick with Michael so he decided to do what his dad did and become a cop. He thought becoming a cop would help or even end his indecisiveness, and he thought it would make his dad proud. So finally his first shift arrives and he is assigned car 291. The car has a reputation as hunted or possessed. It got that reputation because of a tragic event that happened to the officer that used to drive it. Now the car is pretty much used as a loaner . Somehow Michael keeps getting assigned the car and weird things keep happening. if you liked Christine you might like this. I will say that I didn't see the ending coming.