A review by inkerly
A Slave to the Servants by DoctorWolf


4.25 stars

This was a great story with a great end!! I’m ashamed that having read numerous erotic fiction for 5+ years, I only now just heard of this amazing story. It seems the author left the site 10 years ago, but she has one of the largest fanbases on the site, and her fans continue to sing its praises. It definitely deserves the hype. I literally scheduled time in my days to read this behemoth because it is so worth it (although I did my calculations and 37 chapters, each on average 13k words would make this anywhere from 960-2100 pages long!) You managed to make me, a girl who only browses these stories from time to time, be fully engrossed in a science epic fantasy erotica with slavery and orgy elements and it’s mesmerizing. I was surprised that SpoilerCiara/Rachel decided not to even visit Earth again for “one last goodbye”, and she’ll probably have to come to terms with the fact that on Pateria, she will never age (like Rose, who is frozen in her twenties), will likely only have Rose and maybe a handful of human acquaintances now, and will only have the sad/drunken/chaotic memories of her mom/Earth family. But I still felt like this was an appropriate ending for her. I will miss the adventures of this kinky , goofy, amazing Spartan bunch Spoiler(with 6 children, 5 husbands, and dozens of extended family members , what more could one ask for?), and I think the only way I can be sated is by reading her other work, Bound to my Mate (another nonhuman love story, though thankfully wayy lighter in pages). Aside from a few slow points in the book and some unnecessary characters (was Vera really a needed side villain? Hmm) this is easily one of the best books on Literotica of all time. And all of the different types of people commenting on this story is proof of that. Well wishes and hope the author is with her family somewhere warm and cozy reading her fanmail:)