A review by shellballenger
Malice by Heather Walter


Type of read: Commuter Read.

What made me pick it up: Suggested read on #BookTok.

Overall rating: I want to start off with the fact that I am one of the biggest Disney fans there is. Sleeping Beauty has never been one of my favorites, I've typically found it boring and generic, 'Malice' is an exciting, new take on this classic tale. There is quite a bit of build-up, history, and general kingdom information before we get into the actual meat of the book. There are also some minor writing things that just rubbed me the wrong way - I personally feel like Walter relied on using 'dragon's teeth' wayyyyy more than necessary and that 'Malice' suffered from having to tell the reader what to feel instead of just trusting that the writing would make the reader feel the intended feeling. However, the overall story is absolutely wonderful and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm very much looking forward to receiving and reading 'Misrule' to find out what happens in the next chapter of the Duology.

Reader's Note: 'Malice' is a beautiful LGBTQIA+ fantasy, that being said, there are some (very tame) explicit scenes.