A review by tkeyahreads
Illuminance by Kara Douglas


I thought Lunaria was good…THIS? Was a MASTERPIECE. Definitely one of the top reads not only of the year but EVER. Yall this book is 508 pages and I read it in 24 FREAKING HOURS. 

For as many pages as it is I can’t believe I read it so fast. I was ZOOMING. It was THAT good. I loved every single page. I’m not kidding. 

You know how sometimes in books there are parts you just “gloss” over because, well to be REAL it’s just kind of a boring part of the book? THERE WAS NOT A SINGLE, NOT EVEN ONE PART of this book that was glossed over. Everything was read with full attention dying for what was to come next, page after page. This book was absolutely beautiful. I. AM. IN. LOVE. I will read this 100 times over. 

Lunaria is easily likable. She’s frustrating sometimes, stubborn, might make you yell “GIRL WHAT THE HELL” but she has been through a lot. GRAYLEN? Don’t even get me started. I’m in love with him. This is the second book in the series and what I LOVED was the fact that there were SO many new people introduced. So much more character building. Found family everywhere! I loved it.

Now, I definitely have high praise to the plot of book 1. But even that did not prepare me for the way the plot developed into book 2. I mean, being able to sit and write something as extravagant as this is insane and impressive. I can’t FREAKING WAIT for the next book to go along with this but even more excited for the prequel novella that will answer many questions readers have after reaching this point. 

THIS SERIES IS AMAZING. And I know Kara is going to keep delivering masterpieces with each book to come.