A review by eantoinette285
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes


Rating to come soon. For now, I'm going to bed with tears streaming down my face. This freaking book.


I had to sleep after finishing this book. I had zero energy to analyze and review it. Now, I'm going to give it my best shot considering it's the day after and I'm still emotionally drained.

I kept seeing friends of mine posting crying emojis all over social media when it came to this book, but I figured it couldn't be THAT bad to try to tackle. I was wrong.

I figured out why I was about to have my heart torn out when I was a bit less than half way into the story, and honestly, I didn't want to even finish the book. I was so devastated just knowing what was coming, but I guess I'm a glutton for punishment. I had started the story, so I needed to finish it.

I made a bet with myself that I wouldn't cry. I hadn't even cried at the last funeral I had gone to, so I figured I could get through this unscathed. I lost, and badly.

In my anger and dread, I wanted to give this book one star, and even thought about putting it in my fire place (I was that upset), but instead, I chose to give it the full five stars and keep it safely on my shelf.

Bottom line, the author did her job, and she did it splendidly. I'm going to assume she was going for heartfelt emotion and heartache from her readers, and so... goal accomplished.

The only way I can come to terms with how this story played out is to believe it's the quality over quantity of life. I followed the story in People magazine a few months back about Brittany Maynard, who chose to die with dignity. It absolutely shredded me, and I ached for her and her family, but her reasoning and logic couldn't be argued with. When I met Will, I saw some similarities in the cases, so I couldn't be angry with him. I wanted to be, but I couldn't bring myself to be.

Will went through something he was never going to come back from. He was never going to be his old self, and he knew that. Louisa wanted him to stick around awhile, and understandable that she did, she loved him. Ultimately, it was his choice how his life would play out. They had the best time together while they had it, so they had to be at peace with each other and with themselves in order for life to go on. All we could do as readers is hope neither of them had regrets about their life choices, and maybe even take a lesson or two from what they both went through. Push yourself, don't settle. Just live well. Just LIVE.