A review by apairofducks
The Breakup Lists by Adib Khorram


This was a 4 star review until the last 10 percent. I was having so much fun (as a former theater kid myself), and I really enjoyed the characters. Any issues I had were minor enough that they didn’t ruin my reading experience.  
But those last couple chapters. 
I almost DNFed when Jackson BROKE CHARACTER MID-SHOW to apologize to Liam? Imagine being in that audience. Imagine being in the wings, watching some BACKUP ACTOR join the show 5 minutes before it starts and then use it to apologize to his crush??? I would be baffled and upset and everything that this cast, for whatever ineffable reason, is not. The theater teacher doesn’t even care! She just has an “oh you crazy kids” moment! I have never hated a choice more in my life. I’ve never had an author ruin their book for me so efficiently in the last ~30 pages.

If you decide to read this book, skip the ending and make up your own resolution.