A review by aishb3
The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love by bell hooks


I wasn't expecting anything specific when I decided to delve into this book. I know that our book club is about to delve into All About Love and I guess I just wanted to take the opportunity to hear what she had to say about this topic. I found it super informative a much better listen for me than sitting down to read it physically. A lecture style listen on a topic that im curious about is an enjoyable experience for me and this book and the topics it touches on did not disappoint. 

If youre interested in hearing a perspective on men you probably haven't considered or seen so boldly spoken about with concise understanding this is the book for you. It gave me more to consider and think about when looking at men and in the ways that I speak to and work with the men in my life and just in the world. While I would love for men to read this I find that as women supporting men in our community its a great read to help you understand how society impacts them in ways we don't always consider as well as affirm things that we already know about men.