A review by readermonica
Delivered: Angel & Kai by Raven St. Pierre


St. Pierre gives her readers a realistic and heart warming romance in DELIVERED. Both Kai and Angel are relatable people with issues and hang ups that aren't over the top, but still difficult enough to provide tension to the story. Kai feels a need to prove to the world that he is strong enough to overcome a great tragedy and achieve professional success. While Angel is out to prove to herself and her family that she can forge her own path without their intrusive interference.

Kai is a self made man who has fought for and earned his every success and accomplishment. Life hasn't been easy for Kai and he has big responsibilities that he takes seriously. Kai has built a reputation for being reserved and professional at all times, yet when he is put in close contact with Angel, she tempts him to navigate around his sturdily erected defenses. Not only does Angel surprise him by being more professionally competent than he expected, but she also makes him want to connect with her on more than a professional level.

Angel is still recovering from the abrupt ending of a long term relationship with a man who ultimately made her question her own desirability and self awareness. With her confidence in her judgement and appeal shaken, Angel is as cautious as Kai when it comes to forming a relationship beyond physical attraction.

The attraction between Kai and Angel is intense and the sexy times are just right. I am not going to lie, there were a few scenes where all I thought was "Get it girl!" When Angel decides to go for it, she goes all in. Nice! St. Pierre allowed the story to move quickly without leaving the reader feeling that anything is missing or glossed over. DELIVERED is an enjoyable contemporary romance between two people who have been singed by relationships in the past, but eventually take the risk to find unexpected happiness.

P.S. This is truly a stand alone title. I have not read the complete Free Falling series and I had absolutely no problem following and enjoying DELIVERED.

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