A review by vanmeers
All the Hearts You Eat by Hailey Piper


i wanna start this with saying that i absolutely love hailey piper and her witting — she always manages to create such visceral reactions in me with her horror and i adore her characters! she’s one of my top fave horror authors 🫶

with that said, this definitely wasn’t the right fit for me as a reader. i appreciate her approach to vampires and how different they are to the classic ones you know from books and films — and i love that there’s a mainstream published book with trans and queer characters in the centre of the story. it’s queer horror through and through. 

it’s also a very classic hailey piper book in the sense that it’s a bit more cosmic, a bit more out there, and theres some strange connections to the more animalistic and nature side of humanity. i have no idea what kinda subgenre you’d call that, but it’s got that piper feel to it — and if you loved the possession of natalie glasgow i’m sure you’ll instantly love this too. 

i think i craved some more classic vampires and so it didn’t really hit the spot for me. but i did love the toxic queers representation and cabrina’s diary entries amidst everything. i really really felt for her 💔 so while i didn’t love it, it was still a good read and it still left me an emotional wreck after! 

/// ARC courtesy of the publisher and Edelweiss.