A review by lynseyisreading
Rules of Protection by Alison Bliss


Rule breaker Emily and straight-laced cop Jake team up for the purposes of protection in this sizzling romance with a side order of funny. An engaging read that was incredibly hard to put down, despite a few challenges...

Emily, Emily, Emily... What to tell you about her. As a main character - and in 1st person, no less - she is a challenge. That's putting it kindly, I would say. She was entertaining as all hell, don't get me wrong, but ye gods! She made some stupid, irritating and often brainless decisions at times! These were remarked upon by other characters so it was intentional on the author's behalf but...wow. There was one particular scene around the midway point where it was just one doozy right after another. She was just firing them out like a Gatling gun - Jealous rage bang! Melodramatic outburst bang! Running headlong into dangerous situations bang bang! It's a while since I've read a character that made me want to reach into the book and shake them, and it was bizarrely enjoyable to get so involved. I should balance this out by saying that when she wasn't being a ninny, she was funny, thoughtful, sassy and brave and I did root for her and Jake to get together. Most of the time.

Love interest Jake was a lot easier to love. The title Rules of Protection refers to his many, many rules for Emily (and himself) that he sets in order to keep her safe. I particularly enjoyed the version of Jake we got to see once they were on his family's property in Texas. That felt like the real Jake. He was so sexy and patient and honourable and patient and did I mention patient? In the face of, well, Emily. I really enjoyed him and the rest of his family. There were some great guys in there that I'm hoping will get their own stories, and soon.

All in all, although I've been a bit complainy, I really did enjoy this book. Even whirlwind Emily. I recommend fans of romance with comedy elements and action to dive into this one head first with no compunction.

4 Stars ★★★★
A copy of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.