A review by chroniclesofabookmum
Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo


“Watch yourself, Nikolai,” Mal said softly. “Princes bleed just like other men.”
Nikolai plucked an invisible piece of dust from his sleeve.
“Yes,” he said. “They just do it in better clothes.”

Siege and Storm is the second book in the Grisha Verse and follows on almost immediately from Shadow and Bone. I tend not to write up a synopsis regarding the second book in the series to avoid spoilers for those that have not read the first book so I'm just going to go straight into my feelings.

Did anyone else get Harry Potter vibes from this book? Horcruxes, Voldemort? Or was it just me? It didn't feel like a massively original system to me, all i could like about was The Deathly Hallows.

I don't know how to feel, I was left very disappointed with how this book developed, or didn't develop. I didn't hate the book, but I didn't love it like I expected to. I found that from the start until around 40 pages before the end, it was really slow paced and not a lot was happening. We were constantly to-ing and fro-ing between the same scenes and I found that I was bored. I didn't have the motivation to pick the book up to read more and found when I was reading it I was easily distracted and not really bothered about putting it down.

I do however love the fact that we have been introduced to Nickolai and he is just as charming and as witty as I imagined he would be. I loved discovering him as a character and I really enjoyed getting to know his background and slowly being spoon fed different information about him. I feel like Alina was built on as a character during this book more so than she was in Shadow and Bone so I found myself being able to relate to her more than I had previously. I definitely have a guilty pleasure for the Darkling though, I know I shouldn't like him, but I can't help myself! Mal just winds me up, he's just not interesting enough for me, and I find his pull towards Alina to be dull and boring which I don't think is the desired effect. I definitely do not ship them both.

As I said, this book is worth reading for the last 40 pages. It suddenly picked up, and it definitely did pack a punch. It left me wanting to immediately pick up the next instalment. Unfortunately, the last 40 pages did not change my rating it just made it a solid 3 star read.

I would recommend you read this and persevere throughout as it is worth getting to the end.