A review by wahistorian
What Were We Thinking: A Brief Intellectual History of the Trump Era by Carlos Lozada


As we embark on a second term of our history’s most disruptive president, Carlos Lozada’s historiography of the first DJT administration is a must-read. Lozada has helpfully broken up his examination of books about the 45th president into themed chapters that explore Russian influence, the Me Too Movement, threats to democracy, the Republican Party and shifts in conservatism, the media, and more. His analysis is incisive and insightful, and his arguments concise and easy to follow. The book includes a list at the end of twelve books that changed his thinking, but descriptions of the books throughout are enough to help the reader develop her or his own list to must-reads, depending on your interests and concerns. His focus is on books “that enable and ennoble a national reexamination” (7). Whether or not our democracy survives a second term depends on our ability to commit to the task of supporting the founding values, however unequally they have been in exercised in our history, and this book points the way toward creative ways of thinking to help us be equal to the challenge.