A review by marik0n
The Therapist by B.A. Paris


0⭐️: I hate this book and if I could unread it, I would.

I am so disappointed with B.A. Paris, I don't think I will pick up anymore of her books. I loved her debut novel Behind Closed DoorsBehind Closed Doors, but I also read Bring Me Back and The Therapist and I have failed to enjoy them. I thought that 'Bring me back' was just a bad moment, but the bad luck continues.

I picked 'The therapist' up because it kind of gave me Never Lie vibes, which I read a couple of months ago and absolutely loved, but it ended up being a disappointment.

First of all, there is no chemistry between out main couple, Alice and Leo. I mean, like none. Also, all the characters are flat and I couldn't actually manage to care about them, they read like prompts. However, Alice is the worst of it; she is way too naive, she doesn't put two and two together and makes the (obviously) wrong decision in every turn, while acting like a child. Like girl, you're in your 30s, act like it.

Overall, the book is pretty slow, and as we move from coffees, to lunches, to more lunches, the plot merely progresses until it is practically over. There is a string of conversations over wine, coffee or food followed by an internal monologue which essentially recapped the previous said conversations. Of course, it comes to an indifferent end with a lot of questions unanswered a plenty of plot holes still hovering.

PS. How I absolutely despise this type of boy moms.