A review by yviie_reads
Sword of Destiny by Andrzej Sapkowski


It's no secret that I'm into videogames and that The Witcher 3 is one of my favorite games of this year (and of alltime!), so as soon as the new DLC (downloadable content) Blood & Wine was released a a while ago I was hooked again. Finally I was in the mood to continue the book series as well, wohoo!

I started listening to the audiobook before I got the book and was a little bit overwhelmed at first. I mean, it's good! The narrator used different voices for different people so it was quite easy to tell them apart (I love that!) but he was simply too fast. Once I got the book though and read while listening to it, it was almost too slow for me ... very weird. Still one of the coolest audiobooks I've listened to!

As with The Last Wish this book contained short stories about Geralt and his life. I critizied that in the first book but didn't mind it as much in this one - it had loads of characters in it that I now knew, I was familiar with most of the monsters and different creatures and even knew a bit about the storyline itself. The characters were probably the best thing; to read all the background stories, how they met and how they became companions and friends was so interesting and great!

Have I mentioned that I'm such a huge fan of Dandelion? I mean, he's kinda silly at times but I just love him so, so much. He brings fun into every situation and with his comments and the ones he receives from others ... well, it made me grin and laugh more than once! Without him this would've been half as much fun and I'm so happy there was more about/with him in this book. Also, the story about Villentretenmerth was great! I knew this name from the game (mainly from Gwent) and always wondered who or what he/it is - well, now I know! And I love it! I didn't expect the outcome but looking back at it now ... I should've guessed it but actually I'm very pleased that I didn't because it wouldn't have been a surprise anymore, haha. And indeed ... "He is the most beautiful."

I'm also really excited to finally have met Ciri - I know her story from the videogame and would've expected her to be/act a little bit different but ... well, she's young so I can forgive her. I'm super curious to find out more about her in the next books.

So all in all, I enjoyed Sword of Destiny A LOT more than the first book. I knew many more characters, had a clue of what's going on and even didn't have as much trouble with the terminology anymore. There are so many different creatures and monsters which makes this book a fantastic adventure and I couldn't wait to discover EVERYTHING. I just love this universe. ♥

July 3rd:
Even though it took me so long to read/finish this book, I HIGHLY enjoyed it! It's so much better than the first book and includes a lot more characters I know and grew to love, which made it so interesting to read!

I've also watched the tv series/movie I found on Youtube and liked it a lot - it's not THAT good (you know, low budget, poor effects, ...) but was very true to the first two books.