A review by pvrisreadinggurl40
School's Out by Christophe Dufossé


This book was actually kind of weird and strange to follow...it felt a little scattered all over the place. I didn't like some of the sentences in the book such as, "I'm quite convinced that hospitals are swarming with people with a secret grudge against humanity (pg.7)" because i am a nurse so i thought that line was a little bit of a hasty generalization regarding healthcare workers. And it has gross imagery such as, "An olfactory spectrum between decomposing vegetation and menstrual discharge.(pg.112)"?????? in reference to the odor of a fake miniature of a monkey. I was like really? But in spite of these weird moments, when he interacted with the kids I enjoyed it because the dialogue/novel tended to be more organized at those points...I also liked the authors thoughts on loneliness and aging. My favorite line in the story came from one of these interactions with the teens, "The important thing for us is to go unnoticed, not to fight to become adults, which is the idea that drives most children these days.(pg. 297)" Overall the book had a VERY unexpected ending that left me like "WOW!" so i guess after getting past the frenetic nature of the protagonist's thoughts and experiences it was all worth it for the ending. So if you like stories that are wild and confusing with great endings...this is the book for you!