A review by pause_theframe
Black Diamonds by Vogue


Absolutely fantastic read! I must admit, I didn’t know if I would have issues, as this is book 4, in the series, but actually I didn’t and I thoroughly enjoyed every page.

The author has a very good writing style. The emotion, angst, anger and a few other emotions flowed from her words, and the detail really made it so that I felt as though I was experiencing the kidnapping, and everything that followed, myself.

I truly liked the character that Vogue created. A lot of thought and detail was put into each character. Obviously, the main character, with her strength and determination, was one of my favourites, even if she didn’t always do what I think would have been best. Vogue gave us a female who led the story and really gave us someone to connect with. I also like the supporting characters, as they were all given personalities and characteristics, and stuck to them. This made the interaction between all of the characters very interesting, as at least a few of them were entirely different from those around them.

The pace was perfect. I was given a faster paced read, to match just how fast the events seemed to fly in. I was constantly on my toes, guessing and wondering what might happen next, which was perfect for this genre. I really liked the action moments, as the author wrote details and at a pace to match the feel of the moment.

Overall, I think the author and this book are fantastic. I am hoping to go back and read all the previous books. I highly recommend this is you like suspenseful reads.

**I received this book for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.