A review by uderecife
Writing for Social Scientists: How to Start and Finish Your Thesis, Book, or Article by Howard S. Becker


Anyone who has faced the challenges of having to write a paper for college knows exactly how troublesome this task can be. There’s this constant anxiety that keeps growing as the term for the paper gets closer and closer; there’s all the things we do to try to avoid having to face the actual writing; and there’s the fear of not being able to do the task at all, of not finding the right way to write the whole thing down. We get stuck and leave the bulk of the writing for the last minute.

Well, we all have been there. And so common are these problems that Howard S. Becker tries to tackle them all on 10 essays dealing with different difficulties writers face when preparing their papers (or whatever they have to write).

The book is a must read for those who want to overcome the anxieties, fears, and all sort of troubles that accompany the act of writing for institutional settings such as college. Becker shares with us a lot of ideas that may help in different situations; and, most of all, he does a great job in showing that all we go through is not a particular problem of our lack of gifts for writing, but very common stumbling blocks that affects most who are obliged to produce meaningful pieces of writing.

If you are in college and are trying to make the leap forward in how you put your work into writing, don’t miss this book. It will definitely help you improve your skills and confidence.