A review by wahistorian
Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild


Arlie Russell Hochschild applies her skills as a sociologist to understanding the Trump voter as embodied by southwest Louisiana. Her lens of study is environmental health and safety, believing that the environment is a public Good that touches all of us equally, rich or poor, black, white, or brown. I admire Hochschild's ability to be open to ideas that she found abhorrent or sad or misguided, although ultimately I think her quest to tease out a logically consistent view of the world may be misguided. Still, there's plenty to think about here: I am especially intrigued (and depressed) by her conclusion that red states are assuming all the environmental burdens of our consuming lifestyles (willingly), while people in blue states really reap the benefits. That makes me complicit in the degradation of southern lives, even as they refuse to stand up to the petrochemical companies and the Bobby Jindals.