A review by shealwaysreads
This is Gonna End in Tears by Liza Klaussman


I read This Is Gonna End In Tears by Liza Klaussmann, and I’m landing at a solid 3 stars. It was an interesting ride, but it didn’t quite hit all the marks for me. Let me break it down!

First off, the premise had a lot of potential. We’re diving into the lives of a group of friends during a chaotic summer, and, honestly, I was super intrigued by that setup. There’s this vibe of nostalgia and friendship that’s really relatable, especially if you’ve ever had that one summer that felt like it changed everything. Klaussmann does a decent job of capturing the intensity of those friendships, which I appreciated.

The characters, though? They’re a bit of a mixed bag for me. Some were really well-developed and felt like people I could relate to, but others came across as a bit flat or cliché. I wanted to dive deeper into their backstories and motivations, but it felt like I was just skimming the surface at times. I think a little more depth would’ve made me care even more about what happened to them.

The pacing was another thing. There were moments that dragged a bit, and then suddenly, things would pick up out of nowhere, which threw me off a bit. I found myself wanting more consistency in the flow of the story. It felt like Klaussmann had a lot of great ideas but maybe didn’t fully explore them in the way I was hoping.

That said, there were definitely some poignant moments that stuck with me. The exploration of friendship, betrayal, and the complexities that come with growing up is something I think a lot of readers can connect with. And the writing itself has a nice lyrical quality that I enjoyed; it’s just that the plot didn’t always match that vibe.

Overall, This Is Gonna End In Tears has its moments of brilliance, but it didn’t fully resonate with me. If you’re into stories about friendships and the messy, unpredictable nature of life, it might still be worth a read. Just go in with tempered expectations! Happy reading! 📚✨