A review by vanmeers
Bury Your Gays: An Anthology of Tragic Queer Horror by Sofia Ajram


this collection absolutely delivers on its promise of tragic queer horror with a variety of different well-written and compelling stories. the list of authors for this anthology are both familiar names within horror but also new (to me), providing a perfect opportunity to familiarise myself with more queer horror authors! 

what i love about this anthology is that it’s a perfect mix of wlw, mlm and trans horror, so there’s something for everybody. this also goes for the horror genres represented, giving you everything from dark romance, to body horror, to fungal horror and so much more. 

anthologies are often a mix of good and bad, but imo this is mostly all above average in storytelling and there weren’t any stories i didn’t like at all, only a few that didn’t hit as hard as i would’ve liked. but it’s all in all a solid anthology full of tragic and sad queer horror stories. 

some of my fave stories were:

  •  this body is not your home by son m. 
  • black hole by november rush. 
  • love like ours by c.m. violet. 
  • worth the dying shame by matteo l. cerilli. 

but also the story by m.v. pine that kicks this whole anthology off, feels like a literal gut punch and a spit in your face, leaving you in the dirt, making you feel all kinds of horrible. in the best possible way. it’s the perfect beginning to a tragic queer horror anthology. 

// ARC courtesy of BookSirens and the publisher!