A review by plantladyreader
The Nature of Witches by Rachel Griffin


In case I haven't mentioned it enough, I really enjoyed this book! I love books about witches, and how many different ways there are to write a witchy story, but this one definitely made it onto my favourites list!

Clara is an Everwitch, tied to not one season, but four. She is rare, and she is frightened. There are events in her past that have scared her from fully embracing her magic. As a student, she understands that all her teachers and fellow students are trying to do is help her wield her magic to its full potential. But whenever she gets close to someone, they get hurt. When Sang, an interesting Spring witch is assigned to help Clara, she immediately puts her guard up. She can't get close to him - he'll get hurt! But when the weather starts getting severe and witches start dying out, Clara quickly learns she needs to learn how to control her magic in order to protect more than just Sang.

Clara was a great main character - she had her vulnerable moments, she was smart and brave, and she understood that she had to push herself in order to see results and meet her goals. Sang was the understanding, kind love interest that we all want in our life - he was talented and sensitive, but caring of the people in his life and how he can support them. Paige was a GREAT secondary character - she kept Clara in check, kept her learning and pushing, but also provided that tough-love perspective that was crucial to her character growth. I loved the elemental magic that each witch seemed to have, and how their magic fluctuated based on the season. I'd like to think I'd be an Everwitch, but seeing how rare they are, I definitely think I'd be a Spring witch.

Overall, this was an excellent YA fantasy read, and I am soooooo looking forward for more from Rachel Griffin!