A review by strider23
Percepliquis – Az elveszett város by Michael J. Sullivan


After two years I have finished this series (well, I have read the last three books in two weeks) and I can only say one thing: it was an amazing journey and actually I did not think in the beginning that I will love it so much. These books were similar to people (at least for me). When I started to read the first book it was like a stranger. An exciting experience but nothing else. Time to time I came back to this world and after a while I realized that I have started to care about every character in this story and not just the Hadrian-Royce duo. In my opinion this is the strongest part of Riyria. As you read you will be attached to its characters:laugh with them or cry, but you feel the emotions through the books. The character development is amazing, one of the best I have ever read. There are not really loose ends in the end which is also rare in long fantasy series, though it does not feel completely closed as the world wont stop just because a big story finished in it. I will definitely reread it sometime to find the many hints which I could not see until now but before that I have (fortunately) several other stories with Riyria and the others to read. I have a new book in my "favorites" folder (there are not many there) and a new writer on my favourite list.

I can only recommend this series!