A review by phidgt
The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss


Since it's always such a challenge to figure out which book to read next, I decided to let chatGPT have a go at a book recommendation. I prompted it by giving it a list of five of my all-time-favorite reads and Name of the Wind was one of the books selected.

I decided to just go ahead and read it without actually looking into what the book was about, so I basically went into it blind. This turned out to be a mistake.

While I am a fan of The Lord of the Rings and Song of Ice and Fire, fantasy is not really a genre I go to. However, even after saying that, I did quite enjoy the story telling in The Name of the Wind. The world wasn't overly done nor were the characters. My problem with the book is that I was completely clueless that it was part of a trilogy (not the first time this has happened to me, but whatever).

The better explanation would be that the problem with this book is really the problem with the second book; The Wise Man's Fears. I just couldn't get through it. I was enjoying the characters in the university and surrounding village and once Kvothe left to go on his mission to find the bandits and met up with the fairy (?) I completely lost interest.

I know that it may not seem fair to judge this book by it's continuation, but there you have it.