A review by kaetheluise_nckl
The Giver by Lois Lowry


I enjoyed reading "The Giver". I have seen the movie adaptation before and i was thrilled to find out that "The Giver" would be on the list of books I would read in the next three years at school.
I however noticed very quickly that there were many changes made in favour of the movie adaptation to make it suitable as a Sci-Fi movie and I realized that I much preferred the book to the movie. It was less thrilling in a good way and the storyline didn't lack as much explaining.
I enjoyed Lowry's style in writing. It was advanced enough for my taste (I live in Germany where English is a secondary language and is not mastered perfectly by everyone) and so I enjoyed not having to pay too much attention to the fact that the language was too easily phrased for my tastes, which I can be very particular about.
I liked Lowry's characters since they are relateable in a way even though they also seemed distant in their way of living in their seperate world. The community is also a universe or world for itself that I enjoyed reading about. It was coherent and didn't disobey the established traits of a utopian or dystopian society.
The criticism on societies, governmenting and rule policy Lowry adressed in "The Giver" invites the reader to think more about values of rules and freedom.