A review by jjupille
The Wave by Todd Strasser


Hm. I guess this is based in reality, and I guess folks like it. I did not. I found it rather lamely written, the characters woefully underdeveloped, the plot too frictionless as all but the courageous young lady buy into this ridiculously pat and transparent manipulation. The teacher seems like a dolt, the Jugend far too credulous. I guess this is based on something that really happened at Cubberly High in Palo Alto in 1969, but next time I want to my Palo-Altoans-are-closet-fascists fix, I'll re-read Zimbardo's [b:The Lucifer Effect|359194|The Lucifer Effect Understanding How Good People Turn Evil|Philip G. Zimbardo|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1388365513s/359194.jpg|964959].