A review by billob
Foundation's Edge by Isaac Asimov


This is the first book of the series to be one full story all the way through and the best of the series. While the 3rd book was a lot of fun, this is the book that made me really glad I stuck with the series.

I loved this book, it keeps you entertained throughout the entire book and sets up a series of mysterious questions and characters you don't know fully what they are set out to do and what they truly know. It all unfolds in the end with actual surprise to the story and sets up for a great sequel as well.

You can tell this book was written later then the previous books, Asimov's style has advanced and the characters in this book are much more interesting. I actually found myself interested in all the characters and their different perspectives on the entire situation of who is really pulling the strings of the foundation.

Great book, I would highly recommend this one. This helped turn a good series into a great one, as the series improves over time as you read each one.