A review by stitchesandpages811
Five Survive by Holly Jackson


Format: Audio/Print Combined 

I was absolutely hooked by this. I flew through it in a few hours through a combination of audio and audio/print combined. It was pretty much impossible to put this down as I was so invested in what was happening. 

I wouldn’t necessarily say I found the characters particularly likeable (and some of them were absolutely awful) but I thought the interactions between them were cleverly done and I was guessing at what those interactions meant right up until the end. Yes, some of the reveals/twists were a bit predictable, but others weren’t and this had me on the edge of my seat throughout. And that ending – I’ve been playing out different scenarios in my head all evening since finishing the book trying to decide what I’d be happy with happening next. 

This is definitely a departure from the Good Girls Guide to Murder series – much more thriller than ‘cosy’ mystery – but I think it worked really well. I also think this really lends itself to reading either in one sitting or over the hours that the book is set (10pm to 6am) as it’s not really the kind of book you can dip in and out of. Overall, not my favourite characters but a wild and enjoyable ride!