A review by anotherhel
Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry


"her shoulders never shook. No tears streamed down her face. The worst type of crying wasn't the kind everyone could see- the wailing on street corners, the tearing at clothes. No, the worst kind happened when your soul wept and no matter what you did, there was no way to comfort it. A section withered and became a scar on the part of your soul that survived. For people like me and Echo, our souls contained more scar tissue than life."

”Tell me you chose me, Echo.”…
“I chose you.”…
“You will never regret it. I promise.”

Ok, I’ve been obsessed with this book as soon as I got my eyes on it so I read it in less than 8 hours. What I most like about this book is that it isn’t a romantic teen met prince kind of thing. Both characters are so strong and broken people and the book is not just about love. It’s about two people that are hurt and that find themselves and realizes that it’s okay to depend on each other. It’s okay to trust someone and get help, cause they need to. It’s about discovering who they are, who they want to be.
The book has three major subjects: Echo’s story, Noah’s story, and their story together and all this is mixed. Sometimes I felt that Noah’s parts were too small. We know more about Echo, but we see more about their love for Noah. Noah is the more romantic of the two of them I really loved his parts and Echo… Echo is too broken and too preoccupied with her problems and too dependent of what her friends and people thought. Noah is way more independent. But that goes so well with their personality that I didn’t care about those things.
Cause when you read the book, you start to understand them. Echo was a popular girl that one day she’s attacked by her bipolar depressed mother and she doesn’t remember a thing. She has to wear long sleeves and gloves all the time and she lost all her popularity, her boyfriend, friends. Everyone whisper and laughs at her, call her a freak cause they don’t know. And Noah lost his parents to a fire and has two little brothers that he loves so much that he wants to lose all his chances of having an adult life to them. He can’t even see them whenever he wants to cause the system sees him as emotionally unstable. He wants their custody as soon as he graduates. And what links them is Mrs. Collins. They both have to go to her office sometimes in the week and talk about their problems. It’s because of her that Echo starts tutoring Noah to gain money for repairing her dead brother's car. And they start talking cause they both want to see their files, Echo wants to know what happens and Noah wants to know where his little brothers live. They end up falling for each other in the way, and they begin to help each other.

We can see a lot of character development in both of them and it’s amazing. This book put me crying a lot. And laughing too. And crying some more. It put me screaming “EVERYTHING IS LOVE AND HURT” and wanting to crawl to a corner and die. Yes, that awesome so why four stars? Cause of what I said, sometimes Noah's parts were too little.