A review by chronicreader96
The Appeal by Janice Hallett


As an avid thriller fan, I knew that I needed to pick this book up as soon as I heard about it. I am so so glad that I did!

The Appeal follows the lives of a group of actors within a small town, trying to juggle a play and a fundraising appeal for a young girl. Lawyers are brought in to try and unravel the secrets that are hidden, as it is possible that someone innocent has been convicted of murder.

This may be the most uniquely written book I have ever read! I absolutely loved the way this was written!! The whole book is made up of emails, texts and some transcripts/documents. Having never read any book set out like this before, I absolutely devoured it! I loved Janice Hallett’s writing style and will definitely be picking up all of her future books if they are written in a similarly unique manner!

I read this with a friend and it was a lot of fun playing detective and batting ideas around. Unfortunately, we did guess some of the major twists which dampened the shock value of the ending for me. I do feel mostly pleased with the way the book was wrapped up, but it’s left me wanting more! I want to go back and visit the characters in this book again in the future. I feel like another story is just waiting to be told. I admit the pacing did seem to slow a little for me after a while. Luckily I didn’t mind too much because I loved the style but some may struggle with this! This would absolutely have been a 5 star read for me if I had been shocked by the ending!

I would recommend this to anyone that loves a unique thriller!! It may be best to try and read it without guessing the outcome. Although I absolutely loved playing detective it did dampen the ending for me slightly.