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A review by jul0se
Marked by Olivie Blake
Puh. Fand ich an sich von der idee her gut und spannend, aber auch irgendwie kacke. Ja, sie haben sich wieder gefunden. Aber eig war dann fast alles umsonst? Hm.
Hatte ein paar sehr gute lines, liebe ja sassy draco und theo. Aber irgendwiehat mir das ende ned so gefallen.
She pursed her lips. "This is dangerous," she sniffed carefully, "and stupid." "Those are your son's favorite ways to describe me," he said, his voice dancing as he tread deliberately over the present tense. /161
"Don't make me say this again, ever," the blond drawled lazily, "but I agree with Weasley." /184
"She is everything to me," Malfoy added quietly after a moment, sitting back in his chair with the air of someone who'd betrayed the last of his secrets. /567
Ron Weasley was having an epically bad day, and that was saying something, considering he'd once almost been murdered by giant spiders. /571
"It's his signet ring." Ron nodded, tossing out a final, audible sigh. "That bloody romantic git," he muttered irritably. /1334
"You should get going," he said, standing from behind his desk. "I have somewhere I need to be." "I don't get to spend the night, Severus?" Theo drawled, rising slowly to his feet. "Darling, please. I feel so used." /2337
"I can only assume you mean that he left bequests for the three of you," Draco said, taking a sip of gilly water. "A shame, really, since that hat of his would really suit me." /2360
"I can't believe I'm saying this, Malfoy," she said softly, "but I think you've forgotten that I grew up with muggles." He blinked. He had forgotten. She reached for his hand, smiling. It was a small mistake, but an important one, in the grand scheme of things. Potter cleared his throat. "I know you're having a moment," he said awkwardly. "But I also grew up with muggles, so if you could fill me in-" /2367
"Come on, Malfoy," Potter agreed, nudging him. "Tell us a bedtime story." Draco sighed irritably. "Fine," he said curtly. "Though you should know that I hate all of you." "Cheers to that," Weasley said, raising his cup of pumpkin juice. /2376
"Yes, wonderful, thank you," Draco said impatiently. "Would you care to finish the story, then?" "No," Potter said, grinning. "You tell it, Malfoy. Your voice is so soothing." /2387
"Or," Fred said loudly. "What if we all just show up anyway?" George stood suddenly, slamming his hands on the table. "PLOT TWIST!" "Really, hear me out," Fred said quickly. /2460
Maybe it just matters that a soulmate is someone who follows you in all your lives." She'd let herself mirror his smile. "You think this is just one of our lives?" "Well, I hardly think that matters, Granger," he said casually. "This life or any other, you'd have me." He'd kissed her fingers slowly, pulling her towards him again. "This life or another, you won't be alone." /2576
"I don't have a good feeling about this at all," she said distressfully, beginning to pace through the room. "I don't have a clue what Harry's purpose is to this, and I don't like it. I do not like it." "I wouldn't worry about it," Ron said with a shrug, his blue eyes dancing as they followed her back and forth. "I mean granted, Harry's a good looking guy, but Malfoy seems relatively fond of you." She leaned back in the chair, tipping the back of her head against it and closing her eyes wearily. "Ronald Weasley, you are the living worst." /665
"Actually, the Chamber of Secrets," Potter corrected him, in the same voice Draco might have said "Actually, I'll have another helping of treacle tart," or "Actually, I rather like bunnies." Helena shuddered. "I dare not enter," she said fearfully. "Why not?" Potter said brightly, holding the door open for them and gesturing inside. "The giant killing snake is dead, you know." He leaned towards Draco. "Because I killed it," he whispered gleefully. "I know," Draco said with a tight-lipped eye roll. "How could I forget?" At Potter's careless shrug, he shook his head. "No, seriously. How could I forget. Because I'd very much like to." /2856
Potter let out a swift, barking laugh and clapped him on the shoulder. "Malfoy, I cherish you!" he said jovially. "But really. No more killing snake." /2876
"Look," he said excitedly, pointing to the indistinct script that had spread over the tiny metal sphere. "It says something here-'I open at the close.'" They paused, looking at each other. None of them showed any signs of recognition at the phrase. "Oh good," Ron said grimly. "Silly me, I was worried Dumbledore was going to be vague about it." /3151
"Then bring them," Dudley said quickly. "Bring your Order here. I'll-I'll explain it to my parents." Or not. Honestly, that seemed like it'd be too much work. /3441
"The curse you used, the sectumsempra-the same one Potter used on Draco-you know the countercurse, right?" "Yes," Snape said impatiently, pausing. "And I am also the only one who does, which is why I'm-" "Well, you can just tell the Dark Lord that I was delayed due to life-threatening injury," Theo said breathlessly. "He won't blame you. There was nothing you could have done to prevent it." Snape blinked. "What?" Theo sighed. "Fuck me," he muttered under his breath, pointing his wand at his chest. "Sectumsempra." Are those my veins? he thought whimsically, watching with fascination as they burst open. The side of his face was introduced to the hard-packed ground with a deafening smack right before everything went black. /3903
"I understand I'm not exactly in the position to make requests, but I'd love it if you just focused on my own sins, thanks," he said, his eyes dancing mischievously. "They're numerous, but perhaps more to your liking." /3936
"Easy," Theo said breezily. "I'll go rogue." He yawned widely, and Remus had the faint impression the gesture had been for show. "Just call me Severus Snape: The Sequel." Snape muttered something incoherent under his breath. /3971
"You dressed up a muggle as Potter and sent him off with Draco's old house elf?" Theo said incredulously, his voice several decibels louder than necessary. "You're all fucking maniacs." He struggled to his feet. "I want in." Snape looked as though his head might explode. "Theo-you can't-this isn't-" "Save your speeches, Severus," Theo said pompously, swaying slightly where he stood. "Your sweet nothings have no effect on me." "I should have let you die," Snape told him casually, and Theo offered him a dramatic, irreverent bow. /3978
"Alright," Fred grunted unenthusiastically. "Maybe he can stay." "Oh, he can definitely stay," George said brightly. "Anyone who sasses Snape like that is alright in my book." "We really need to establish much more selective recruiting guidelines," Remus said sadly, even as a smile crept across his face. /3993
"Go home, Nott," Snape said, relatively fondly. Theo stood dramatically. "Oh Severus," he drawled, feigning a swoon. "Home is wherever I'm with you." Snape sighed. "Get out of my house." /4453
"You know," he said loudly, a wide, genuine smile crossing his face for the first time that night. "It really would be such sweet revenge, to see the Dark Lord destroyed in part by house elves and muggles," he said vehemently. "It has a refreshing air of cosmic justice to it, doesn't it?" "You know, Geraint," Harry mused, smirking impishly. "I do believe you're right." /4705
"Why didn't you open with that?" Draco snapped, leaping to his feet. "Did it slip your mind that now the Dark Lord is going to be hunting-" He stopped. "Wait. I'm dead." /5168
Fuck. "Pack the tent, would you?" Fuck. "And grab Potter's cloak." Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck everything. "We'll need it." /5631
"How dare you," Theo muttered, clearly fighting back tears. "How fucking dare you-" "I'm sorry," Malfoy was saying, over and over. Hermione couldn't see his face from behind Theo's but she could tell that his voice, too, was choked with emotion. "I'm sorry-I had to go, I thought it would be safe for you-" "You've always been such a fucking idiot, Draco, you could have trusted me-" "I know, I should have-I know, I'm sorry-" "-I took the fucking Mark to find you, you unbelievable arsehole-" "-that's insane, you're a fucking idiot-" "-you don't know the fucking half of it-I've been looking for you-" "-I was going to find you, I swear, I was fucking coming back for you-" "-and you look fucking stupid with this hair-it's not your color at all-" "-it wasn't my choice, none of this was, I fucking swear-" "-you fuck, I've-I've missed you, I needed you here-" /5687
Theo gave them both a haughty look of impatience as Hermione turned to kiss Malfoy's cheek. "This is what I've been missing?" he asked, his tone bored. "Tremendous. You're disgusting, and frankly, I've never been so pleased." /5717
Weasley's brow was heavily furrowed. "Why do I get the feeling we can't trust you, Nott?" Because you can't. His loyalty was to her, not to them. His loyalty was to Draco. /7478
"Did you think about what our life could have been?" she asked softly, meeting his stormy grey eyes. "You know," she said hazily, motioning with her hand to reference their past. "Then." "I was going to marry the fuck out of you, Granger," he said loftily, and she laughed tearfully at that, the statement somehow both unspeakably touching and yet so inarguably Draco Malfoy. /7782
"Will you stay?" she interrupted hopefully, wriggling in his arms to tilt her head towards him. "Will you stay here?" Yes, yes, absolutely, I'm not letting you go, I'll never fucking let you go-"I can't," he sighed tightly, burying his face in her hair. "You saw Granger. I can't leave her alone." /8076
"I can't have you," he reminded her, picking up her left hand and tracing her finger where someone else's ring would someday go. "Oh, Theo." She sighed heavily. "You already do." /8093
"Well," he said quietly. "What should we do first? Take over the Ministry, or take out a Dark Lord?" "Why don't we flip a coin?" she suggested drily, wiping her eyes on the back of her sleeve. They smiled at each other. "Let's go fix this fucked up world, Granger," he said gruffly. "Sounds like a plan," she murmured. /8130
"A better world," Hermione said softly. He always knew her, didn't he? Through and through. He never let her forget. "You have to make it," he told her forcefully. "Even without me. You have to make it." "Okay," she whispered. "For you." He shook his head. "For you," he told her. "For us." /8414
"I'm going to kill him," Draco corrected her, crossing his arms and drumming his fingers in agitation. "I'm going to come back to life just to slap him." "Ah, well," Theo said, shrugging. "He never listened to me anyway." He came slowly to his feet. "Much to his detriment, I might add." At that, Hermione smirked at Draco. /8505
For someone who was still standing, Theo could barely manage to breathe. /8630
Moving on. Moving on-from what? He'd never known. "Go back," Narcissa urged. "Go back to Hogwarts." "I can't go back," he muttered. "I can't." All was well? Not hardly. /9191
"What are you, my gal pal?" The phrase poked delicately at his brain. /9400
Did you feel that? she imagined asking him, and for a moment she wondered if she had. Did you feel the earth shift? His eyes gave her the answer. She heard his voice in her soul. Yes. /9440
"As if I can be expected to participate in matching jumpers," Draco grumbled, still not fully recovered from the horrifying ordeal. "And in Gryffindor colors, honestly?" "I thought you looked lovely," Harry said, his face reddening with contained laughter. "I did," Draco sniffed. "But that's hardly the point." Harry's festering laughter continued. "Honestly, I'm not sure anything beats your mum's reaction to it-" "She has truly never looked so revolted in her entire life, I'm sure," Draco agreed, picturing the blanched look on Narcissa's face. "I think she might have had Granger obliviate her after seeing me in it." /9700
"Take it," Draco said simply, eyeing her from across the room. "Accept. Right now." She frowned. "But-" "Take it," he repeated, giving her one of his silencing glares. "But why me?" she insisted, standing up to pace their office. "You should be on it-" "Take it," he said again, his tone bored as he bent to flip the pages of the case law before him. "But-" "Take it." "-I've no experience, and really, I-" "Take it." "-can't imagine this is a good idea-" "Take it." /9773
"So," he managed hoarsely, after a minute or two of silently taking in the way her golden brown eyes caught the light. "What do you think, Granger?" This life or any other. "Not to be indelicate," Hermione replied, fighting a smile. "But I think I'm going to marry the fuck out of you." /9803
Hatte ein paar sehr gute lines, liebe ja sassy draco und theo. Aber irgendwiehat mir das ende ned so gefallen.
She pursed her lips. "This is dangerous," she sniffed carefully, "and stupid." "Those are your son's favorite ways to describe me," he said, his voice dancing as he tread deliberately over the present tense. /161
"Don't make me say this again, ever," the blond drawled lazily, "but I agree with Weasley." /184
"She is everything to me," Malfoy added quietly after a moment, sitting back in his chair with the air of someone who'd betrayed the last of his secrets. /567
Ron Weasley was having an epically bad day, and that was saying something, considering he'd once almost been murdered by giant spiders. /571
"It's his signet ring." Ron nodded, tossing out a final, audible sigh. "That bloody romantic git," he muttered irritably. /1334
"You should get going," he said, standing from behind his desk. "I have somewhere I need to be." "I don't get to spend the night, Severus?" Theo drawled, rising slowly to his feet. "Darling, please. I feel so used." /2337
"I can only assume you mean that he left bequests for the three of you," Draco said, taking a sip of gilly water. "A shame, really, since that hat of his would really suit me." /2360
"I can't believe I'm saying this, Malfoy," she said softly, "but I think you've forgotten that I grew up with muggles." He blinked. He had forgotten. She reached for his hand, smiling. It was a small mistake, but an important one, in the grand scheme of things. Potter cleared his throat. "I know you're having a moment," he said awkwardly. "But I also grew up with muggles, so if you could fill me in-" /2367
"Come on, Malfoy," Potter agreed, nudging him. "Tell us a bedtime story." Draco sighed irritably. "Fine," he said curtly. "Though you should know that I hate all of you." "Cheers to that," Weasley said, raising his cup of pumpkin juice. /2376
"Yes, wonderful, thank you," Draco said impatiently. "Would you care to finish the story, then?" "No," Potter said, grinning. "You tell it, Malfoy. Your voice is so soothing." /2387
"Or," Fred said loudly. "What if we all just show up anyway?" George stood suddenly, slamming his hands on the table. "PLOT TWIST!" "Really, hear me out," Fred said quickly. /2460
Maybe it just matters that a soulmate is someone who follows you in all your lives." She'd let herself mirror his smile. "You think this is just one of our lives?" "Well, I hardly think that matters, Granger," he said casually. "This life or any other, you'd have me." He'd kissed her fingers slowly, pulling her towards him again. "This life or another, you won't be alone." /2576
"I don't have a good feeling about this at all," she said distressfully, beginning to pace through the room. "I don't have a clue what Harry's purpose is to this, and I don't like it. I do not like it." "I wouldn't worry about it," Ron said with a shrug, his blue eyes dancing as they followed her back and forth. "I mean granted, Harry's a good looking guy, but Malfoy seems relatively fond of you." She leaned back in the chair, tipping the back of her head against it and closing her eyes wearily. "Ronald Weasley, you are the living worst." /665
"Actually, the Chamber of Secrets," Potter corrected him, in the same voice Draco might have said "Actually, I'll have another helping of treacle tart," or "Actually, I rather like bunnies." Helena shuddered. "I dare not enter," she said fearfully. "Why not?" Potter said brightly, holding the door open for them and gesturing inside. "The giant killing snake is dead, you know." He leaned towards Draco. "Because I killed it," he whispered gleefully. "I know," Draco said with a tight-lipped eye roll. "How could I forget?" At Potter's careless shrug, he shook his head. "No, seriously. How could I forget. Because I'd very much like to." /2856
Potter let out a swift, barking laugh and clapped him on the shoulder. "Malfoy, I cherish you!" he said jovially. "But really. No more killing snake." /2876
"Look," he said excitedly, pointing to the indistinct script that had spread over the tiny metal sphere. "It says something here-'I open at the close.'" They paused, looking at each other. None of them showed any signs of recognition at the phrase. "Oh good," Ron said grimly. "Silly me, I was worried Dumbledore was going to be vague about it." /3151
"Then bring them," Dudley said quickly. "Bring your Order here. I'll-I'll explain it to my parents." Or not. Honestly, that seemed like it'd be too much work. /3441
"The curse you used, the sectumsempra-the same one Potter used on Draco-you know the countercurse, right?" "Yes," Snape said impatiently, pausing. "And I am also the only one who does, which is why I'm-" "Well, you can just tell the Dark Lord that I was delayed due to life-threatening injury," Theo said breathlessly. "He won't blame you. There was nothing you could have done to prevent it." Snape blinked. "What?" Theo sighed. "Fuck me," he muttered under his breath, pointing his wand at his chest. "Sectumsempra." Are those my veins? he thought whimsically, watching with fascination as they burst open. The side of his face was introduced to the hard-packed ground with a deafening smack right before everything went black. /3903
"I understand I'm not exactly in the position to make requests, but I'd love it if you just focused on my own sins, thanks," he said, his eyes dancing mischievously. "They're numerous, but perhaps more to your liking." /3936
"Easy," Theo said breezily. "I'll go rogue." He yawned widely, and Remus had the faint impression the gesture had been for show. "Just call me Severus Snape: The Sequel." Snape muttered something incoherent under his breath. /3971
"You dressed up a muggle as Potter and sent him off with Draco's old house elf?" Theo said incredulously, his voice several decibels louder than necessary. "You're all fucking maniacs." He struggled to his feet. "I want in." Snape looked as though his head might explode. "Theo-you can't-this isn't-" "Save your speeches, Severus," Theo said pompously, swaying slightly where he stood. "Your sweet nothings have no effect on me." "I should have let you die," Snape told him casually, and Theo offered him a dramatic, irreverent bow. /3978
"Alright," Fred grunted unenthusiastically. "Maybe he can stay." "Oh, he can definitely stay," George said brightly. "Anyone who sasses Snape like that is alright in my book." "We really need to establish much more selective recruiting guidelines," Remus said sadly, even as a smile crept across his face. /3993
"Go home, Nott," Snape said, relatively fondly. Theo stood dramatically. "Oh Severus," he drawled, feigning a swoon. "Home is wherever I'm with you." Snape sighed. "Get out of my house." /4453
"You know," he said loudly, a wide, genuine smile crossing his face for the first time that night. "It really would be such sweet revenge, to see the Dark Lord destroyed in part by house elves and muggles," he said vehemently. "It has a refreshing air of cosmic justice to it, doesn't it?" "You know, Geraint," Harry mused, smirking impishly. "I do believe you're right." /4705
"Why didn't you open with that?" Draco snapped, leaping to his feet. "Did it slip your mind that now the Dark Lord is going to be hunting-" He stopped. "Wait. I'm dead." /5168
Fuck. "Pack the tent, would you?" Fuck. "And grab Potter's cloak." Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck everything. "We'll need it." /5631
"How dare you," Theo muttered, clearly fighting back tears. "How fucking dare you-" "I'm sorry," Malfoy was saying, over and over. Hermione couldn't see his face from behind Theo's but she could tell that his voice, too, was choked with emotion. "I'm sorry-I had to go, I thought it would be safe for you-" "You've always been such a fucking idiot, Draco, you could have trusted me-" "I know, I should have-I know, I'm sorry-" "-I took the fucking Mark to find you, you unbelievable arsehole-" "-that's insane, you're a fucking idiot-" "-you don't know the fucking half of it-I've been looking for you-" "-I was going to find you, I swear, I was fucking coming back for you-" "-and you look fucking stupid with this hair-it's not your color at all-" "-it wasn't my choice, none of this was, I fucking swear-" "-you fuck, I've-I've missed you, I needed you here-" /5687
Theo gave them both a haughty look of impatience as Hermione turned to kiss Malfoy's cheek. "This is what I've been missing?" he asked, his tone bored. "Tremendous. You're disgusting, and frankly, I've never been so pleased." /5717
Weasley's brow was heavily furrowed. "Why do I get the feeling we can't trust you, Nott?" Because you can't. His loyalty was to her, not to them. His loyalty was to Draco. /7478
"Did you think about what our life could have been?" she asked softly, meeting his stormy grey eyes. "You know," she said hazily, motioning with her hand to reference their past. "Then." "I was going to marry the fuck out of you, Granger," he said loftily, and she laughed tearfully at that, the statement somehow both unspeakably touching and yet so inarguably Draco Malfoy. /7782
"Will you stay?" she interrupted hopefully, wriggling in his arms to tilt her head towards him. "Will you stay here?" Yes, yes, absolutely, I'm not letting you go, I'll never fucking let you go-"I can't," he sighed tightly, burying his face in her hair. "You saw Granger. I can't leave her alone." /8076
"I can't have you," he reminded her, picking up her left hand and tracing her finger where someone else's ring would someday go. "Oh, Theo." She sighed heavily. "You already do." /8093
"Well," he said quietly. "What should we do first? Take over the Ministry, or take out a Dark Lord?" "Why don't we flip a coin?" she suggested drily, wiping her eyes on the back of her sleeve. They smiled at each other. "Let's go fix this fucked up world, Granger," he said gruffly. "Sounds like a plan," she murmured. /8130
"A better world," Hermione said softly. He always knew her, didn't he? Through and through. He never let her forget. "You have to make it," he told her forcefully. "Even without me. You have to make it." "Okay," she whispered. "For you." He shook his head. "For you," he told her. "For us." /8414
"I'm going to kill him," Draco corrected her, crossing his arms and drumming his fingers in agitation. "I'm going to come back to life just to slap him." "Ah, well," Theo said, shrugging. "He never listened to me anyway." He came slowly to his feet. "Much to his detriment, I might add." At that, Hermione smirked at Draco. /8505
For someone who was still standing, Theo could barely manage to breathe. /8630
Moving on. Moving on-from what? He'd never known. "Go back," Narcissa urged. "Go back to Hogwarts." "I can't go back," he muttered. "I can't." All was well? Not hardly. /9191
"What are you, my gal pal?" The phrase poked delicately at his brain. /9400
Did you feel that? she imagined asking him, and for a moment she wondered if she had. Did you feel the earth shift? His eyes gave her the answer. She heard his voice in her soul. Yes. /9440
"As if I can be expected to participate in matching jumpers," Draco grumbled, still not fully recovered from the horrifying ordeal. "And in Gryffindor colors, honestly?" "I thought you looked lovely," Harry said, his face reddening with contained laughter. "I did," Draco sniffed. "But that's hardly the point." Harry's festering laughter continued. "Honestly, I'm not sure anything beats your mum's reaction to it-" "She has truly never looked so revolted in her entire life, I'm sure," Draco agreed, picturing the blanched look on Narcissa's face. "I think she might have had Granger obliviate her after seeing me in it." /9700
"Take it," Draco said simply, eyeing her from across the room. "Accept. Right now." She frowned. "But-" "Take it," he repeated, giving her one of his silencing glares. "But why me?" she insisted, standing up to pace their office. "You should be on it-" "Take it," he said again, his tone bored as he bent to flip the pages of the case law before him. "But-" "Take it." "-I've no experience, and really, I-" "Take it." "-can't imagine this is a good idea-" "Take it." /9773
"So," he managed hoarsely, after a minute or two of silently taking in the way her golden brown eyes caught the light. "What do you think, Granger?" This life or any other. "Not to be indelicate," Hermione replied, fighting a smile. "But I think I'm going to marry the fuck out of you." /9803