A review by maraya21
Super Dark 3 by Tanith Morse


Here we are: the last book, the end of the trilogy, and I have to say it was not what I’ve excepted leaning towards the negative spectre.

To sum up the whole story I would say it was just anticlimactic. Really anticlimactic.

In this third and final book we continue to watch our MC being a selfish bitch with no indication she will ever openly acknowledge how awful and unreasonable she is and begin to change. But I can’t really, nor will I judge this, cause truth be told there are many people in real life doing this. Way too many if you ask me (which you didn’t I know). That however doesn’t mean I wanted to see it stay unresolved and not involve and progress. Write it but improve it, take it a step further if you can. At least have her admit it to her self in her inner monologue and consecutively to us. There, progress!

There was one more major thing that got on my nerves: It was repetitive as hell. So much repeat, so much repeat, so much repeat! It was like the author was so bored she took pages upon pages from the first book and pasted them right into book three. I think she wanted to employ the “full circle” scenario, which is tricky I can imagine, but failed miserably as it didn’t feel full circle or complete. It was just the same thing copied and pasted with a word or three changed.

Anyhow, the majority of the book was something like this:

MC: I want everything to go my way! I will hurt everyone I say I love and then I will cry and be angry and sad about it and say life is unfair because I didn’t get my way.

Life is unfair.

I know I am in no position to deal with this situation but I am going to do so anyway. Why ask for help or stop and think for a second or three when I can go in half-assed and regret it later.

I have no one to help me. No one to rely on.

I need to stop rushing into situations like a child who doesn’t know how to control their emotions or can’t. Oh look a situation arose for me to rush in all willy nilly and childlike.

Oh my I shouldn’t have done that. Now I shall be angry, sad and frustrated that no one is here to help me or for me to talk to and rely on.

I love you but I’m not going to show you that even though you went to hell and back for me. I will treat your fears and insecurities like they don’t matter, cause they don’t since this is about me.

You are a monster! You can’t make sooo much fucking sense! No! Stop it with the reason and the sense! Stop it you monster!

I would have provided some actual book quotes but that would mean i would need to give out more than half the book and it would take a while, also pretty sure i'm not allowed to do that either way. You get the gist though. This is the pattern of the book for the first 80%. 10% was the monsters/supposed bad guys making so much sense I loved them for it and the rest 10% was an unbelievable and unrealistic happy ever after. The kind that is so unbelievable and unrealistic it shouldn’t have existed in the first place. I would have been satisfied if the ending was more down to earth but it wasn’t. Besides being rushed this ending simply didn’t go with the story. Some questions should have been raised and answered and we were left without any information or explanations about the “monsters”.

I still can’t figure out what went wrong. I loved Book #1 (Review) though Book #2 (Review)t not so much and Book #3 just sealed the fate of this trilogy. I should have taken the hint after Book #2 and not get my hopes up. *sigh* I mean you have some good characters to work with: an MC who was a villain disguised as a hero, a love interest that was traumatised, slightly unhinged and quite obsessed, side characters that ranged from psychotic to amazingly wise and loyal, and lastly supposed villains, monsters, who actually made more sense than the “hero”.

In the end this story didn’t reach its full potential, didn’t even got to the half way marker. It left me with mixed feelings to say the least. Maybe it was just me though, maybe i just didn't get it or didn't know were to stand? I don't know.
It had the ingredients of a great read but it just went “Meh, fuck it. I’m bored now” and went rolling straight down the hill.