A review by shellballenger
Uncanny Valley by Anna Wiener


Type of read: Commuter Read.

What made me pick it up: I think I had seen it on a book club or recommended list? Plus it just sounded interesting.

Overall rating: Ok - here's the thing, I am genuinely interested in a lot of the topics/details that Wiener talks about. As a nonprofit marketing professional, data and analytics and how we use that to target and communicate with our stakeholders are literally woven into my day to day. I appreciated what Wiener brought up and how they framed their experiences and thoughts. All that said, this book was entirely too long and repetitive - there is no way I would have finished it if I wasn't reading it as an audiobook. Additionally, at the end of the book, I found myself wondering why this had to be an entire book. Why did it have to be in a long format? While there were a few things that maybe needed the time and pages to explain or develop, clearer more succinct writing would have been beneficial. I'm not mad that I read this one...but I'm not going to be recommending it anytime soon.