A review by lanaerae
Ballad: A Gathering of Faerie by Maggie Stiefvater


I should say that I basically bought this book because a few of this author's books show up now and then in "If you like this book, try this one" types of lists for me but I'd been on the fence about actually buying any of them and hey this went way cheap during a kindle sale so well, a safe time to try her stuff out. I realized it wasn't the first book in a series of two (I think - can two really = a series?), but still, why not? It sounded as though I could read it alone and get a good enough feel for what was happened and yes, a feel for the author.

That is indeed what I got here. A book that, okay it would have helped to read the first one - probably. Truth be told this is one of the few books that is part of a series (duo?) that doesn't recap the prior book in such obnoxious detail that you wonder why you read the prior one - but I did still get a good enough feel for what had happened that I wasn't lost.

I'm sure if you read any other review or synopsis of this book you don't need me telling you what it is but the short version = yes there are Faeries and humans that can see them. One in particular would like to get ahold of James as she needs to "feed" off of his life / talent to survive. He's not really into that idea, but is very much into his best friend who has a serious issue with the faeries. It's pretty much what you would expect of a teen supernatural story.

Is this the greatest book ever, of course not. Will I go back and read Lament? Not even sure about that. Maybe. But, I was left with a positive enough impression of the author that I'll probably read more of her books anyway as I could read this quickly, enjoy it enough, not regret having spent a day or two finishing it up, etc.