A review by marik0n
The Island by Adrian McKinty



 Βιβλιοκριτική στα ελληνικά ⬇️ 🇬🇷

For anyone who liked AHS: Roanoke, this book could probably be for you.

It is a gripping read, for sure. The action starts pretty early on, and you can't really stop reading it, as you constantly want to read one more chapter and find out what happens next. It surely gave me anxiety, like every good forced proximity thriller should.

Before reading it, you should definitely check out the trigger warnings, as reading this can be very triggering. Some triggers include murder, torture, and animal death.

However, I had some issues with it.
1) 'Men who didn't think about war, pain, or loss talked about cars'. So manly and healthy.
2) 'She drove a stick. She knew engines. She knew gearbox. The whining noise was the Toyota Hilux's 3.0-liter V-6 straining hard as it drove up the slope in the first gear'- I can say with a lot of confidence that knowing how to drive a stick does not mean that you can understand the type and gear of a nearby car by its sound.
3) There was no reason for these kids to act this way. I can clearly see some stereotypes and prejudices towards Gen Z.
4) The 44-year-old father could not act like it, but when it's a 24-year-old, mothering comes naturally to her?

Για όποιον απόλαυσε την σεζόν Roanoke του AHS, αυτό το βιβλίο μάλλον είναι για εσένα.
Είναι εθιστικό, αυτό είναι σίγουρο. Η δράση ξεκινάει από τις πρώτες σελίδες και δεν μπορείς να σταματήσεις να το διαβάζεις, καθώς θες συνεχώς να διαβάσεις ακόμα ένα κεφάλαιο για να μάθεις τι γίνεται μετά. Σίγουρα μου προκάλεσε άγχος όσο το διάβαζα, όπως πρέπει να κάνουν όλα τα σωστά forced proximity θρίλερ.
Πριν το διαβάσατε ελέγξτε σίγουρα τα trigger warnings ex. Murder, torture, animal death

Υπήρχαν σίγουρα πράγματα που με ενόχλησαν, όπως το ότι η μητρότητα έρχεται φυσικά στην 24χρονη Heather, ο τρόπος που συμπεριφέρονται τα παιδιά και η έξτρα δόση αχρείαστης ματσίλας που παραμονεύει εδώ και εκεί.