A review by pagesplotsandpints
The Hitchcock Hotel by Stephanie Wrobel


<b>Read Completed 10/1/24 |</b> 3 stars
A big old EH. 
This had a lot of promise but the whole purpose of the book was just... EH. MEH. I wasn't into it. I was hoping for more chills and suspense and dread, but this was still just another popcorn thriller. 

The ending was pretty silly and just didn't really make sense. I mean, going over-the-top, sure it made SENSE. It wasn't confusing or obscure, but it was just a lot of stupid reasons for doing a lot of serious things. 

I absolutely hated the addition of a cancer diagnosis because it literally had nothing to do with anything. Neither did the pregnancy. There were just things thrown in to add more shock value and raise the stakes, but it really didn't even add anything to the story. 

All of the characters were not likable, though I think that's the point for half of them. Overall, this just wasn't my vibe and wasn't what I was hoping for here. I think this can be a really enjoyable book for some, but it just wasn't for me. I gave it a shot!