A review by effemar
The Monk and the Hangman's Daughter by Ambrose Bierce


After my review of The Devils by Aldous Huxley, not to mention my thoughts on Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber, it will come as a surprise to no one that I slammed this back in one sitting and enjoyed it thoroughly. The Monk and the Hangman's daughter is a haunting, shivery sort of read, and the prose is perfectly matched to the impact of the narrative. It's part fairy tale, part horror movie, and a touch of pilgrim's progress, which works to bring the story a sort of whimsy that keeps it from veering into the sordid. The effect is somewhere between 'The Juniper Tree' and 'The Hunchback of Notre-Dame.' Delightfully creepy, and overall a great way to spend a few hours.