A review by marianh76
Mug Shot by Caroline Fardig


It was eh. I didn't see any need for the constant flashbacks, and in terms of the writing, there were quite a few tense problems.

The story itself could have been interesting, but you've got this woman (Jules) who's in love with her best friend, but won't even admit it to herself. When he gets arrested for killing his girlfriend, Jules is so convinced he's innocent that she feels it's her job to prove his innocence.

To make things more interesting (?), she's in lust with a cop at the same time. They can't even stay together for a week at a time without fighting and breaking up. It's a little ridiculous.

Jules is supposed to be the heroic sleuth, solving the crime right under the "dumb" cops noses, but she bumbles through everything and constantly gets caught and causes more problems than she solves.

***Received this book through Chatterbox and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.