A review by milandeep
Limitless Mind: Learn, Lead, and Live Without Barriers by Jo Boaler


The title of this book is a little misleading. Limitless Mind is less about the mind and more about learning. And Jo Boaler picks math as the subject to concentrate on. The basic idea that she discusses is that the brain is not fixed but it can be changed with practice and concentration. Anybody can develop a math brain or a science brain if they are willing to put in the hard work.

The book has six main ideas:
1. Every time we learn, our brains changes and creates/strengthens neural pathways.
2. The times we spend struggling and making mistakes, we are helping our brain grow.
3. When we change our beliefs, our brains and responses change as well.
4. Learning is optimized when we use a multidimensional approach for various ideas.
5. Instead of speed of ideas, we need to be flexible and creative with our ideas.
6. Learning is enhanced when we connect people with ideas.

She cites a lot of research and I agree to her premise that anyone can become great at a subject or a sport if he/she is working hard and does not gives up while facing obstacles. But at the same time I also think that we do have born geniuses. They are wired differently. They work very hard but they also have innate talents. May be they form less than 0.00001 per cent of the population, but they are among us.

The takeaway from this book is that our brains are constantly growing (or shrinking). Mistakes are not to be looked down upon but they help our neural pathways to grow. It all depends on how the brain is trained and driven to learn more.