A review by scoops_stories
Rogue & Gambit: Ring of Fire by Kelly Thompson


I’m an X-Men comic noob. I only know the movies and some of the 90s cartoon. But I’ve always thought Rogue and Gambit were really cool characters on their own.

And then I found out they’re canonically a couple!

My friend who is a big X-Men fan recommended I start on this comic to get to know them and their relationship. And I loved it! There are a few things I was lost on because I’m not up on their history but it was a really enjoyable story.

They’re also so sexy together! They make so much more sense than Rogue and Iceman (which is just a movie thing apparently). And Rogue doesn’t have to give up her powers to be with Gambit. The superior choice by far.

I’m looking forward to getting into some more X-Men titles.