A review by melodicfate
Tempting the Beast by Lora Leigh


I've been interested in this series for a while now. Normally, the whole "made into paranormal creature by science" isn't quite my thing, but hey. Why not give it another go? Overall, I liked it, though I did find the declaration of love came out of nowhere. Due to Callan and Merinus having a mate bond, there was A LOT of love scenes in here, given the way mating works in this world. I loved that Merinus was strong and held her own. She was even funny at times. Callan was proud and intelligent, and he suffered greatly from what he and his family went through. There was a secondary romance in here that I'm interested to see play out, and the plot with the Council and Callan deciding on whether or not to accept the help of Merinus and her family by coming forward with his story kept things interesting.