A review by ninetalevixen
A Question of Holmes by Brittany Cavallaro


Unsurprisingly, having Jamie and Charlotte together and on speaking terms made for a much more enjoyable read. But all the separations in the interim did serve a purpose: they've both grown so much since that first case, both as individuals and as a partnership (in multiple senses of the word). Which is good, considering this installment is a little more "grown up," bordering on New Adult rather than Young Adult, as they prepare to head off to uni and ... learn to cook stir-fry?

All I’ll say about the ending is that I love it — this is exactly why epilogues exist.
SpoilerAnd I adore that we get to come full circle in a sense, closing out the series with Jamie POV and homages to the original Holmes!

Full review to come.

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CONVERSION: 13.75 / 15 = 5 stars

Prose: 9 / 10
Characters & Relationships: 10 / 10
Emotional Impact: 9 / 10
Development / Flow: 8 / 10
Setting: 9 / 10

Diversity & Social Themes: 5 / 5
Intellectual Engagement: N/A
Originality / Trope Execution: 5 / 5
Rereadability: 5 / 5
Memorability: 4 / 5